Abuse - перевод на Русский и значение в Английском
На данной странице собраны все значения и формы слова abuse в Английском языке.
Узнайте как переводится Английское слово abuse на Русский язык, какие имеет синонимы и транскрипцию.
Перевод Abuse на Русский язык
Abuse – что значит в Английском языке
verbUse (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.
Примеры использования:
The judge abused his power by imposing the finesСинонимы:
MisuseMisapplyMisemployMishandleExploitPervertTake advantage ofverbTreat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.
Примеры использования:
Riders who abuse their horses should be prosecutedСинонимы:
MistreatMaltreatIll-treatTreat badlyIll-useMisuseHandle/treat roughlyKnock aboutKnock aroundManhandleMishandleMaulMolestInterfere withIndecently assaultSexually abuseSexuallyverbSpeak to (someone) in an insulting and offensive way.
Примеры использования:
The referee was abused by players from both teamsСинонимы:
InsultBe rude toSwear atCurseCall someone namesTauntShout atScoldRebukeUpbraidReproveCastigateInveigh againstImpugnSlurRevileSmearVilifyVituperate againstSlanderLibelCast
nounThe improper use of something.
Примеры использования:
Alcohol abuseСинонимы:
MisuseMisapplicationMisemploymentMishandlingExploitationPerversionnounCruel and violent treatment of a person or animal.
Примеры использования:
A black eye and other signs of physical abuseСинонимы:
MistreatmentMaltreatmentIll treatmentIll useMisuseRough treatmentManhandlingMishandlingMolestationInterferenceIndecent assaultSexual abuseSexual assaultAssaultingHittingStrikinnounInsulting and offensive language.
Примеры использования:
Waving his fists and hurling abuse at the driverСинонимы:
InsultsCursesJibesSlursExpletivesSwear wordsSwearingCursingName-callingScoldingRebukesUpbraidingReprovalInvectiveCastigationRevilementVilificationVituperationSlanderLibelS
verbCruel or inhumane treatment
nounBad or cruel treatment of a person or animal, or the use of something in an unsuitable or wrong way
Примеры использования:
[ u ] the rescued dogs had been victims of physical abuse., he was always welcome but he never abus…
nounA situation in which a person uses something in a bad or wrong way, especially for their own advantage or pleasure
Примеры использования:
The former president has been accused of corruption and abuse of power., the politician employs his…
verbTo use something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally wrong
Примеры использования:
She is continually abusing her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her., i …
verbTo treat someone cruelly or violently
Примеры использования:
Sexually abuse the therapist works with children who have been sexually abused., physically abuse t…
verbTo speak to someone rudely or cruelly
Примеры использования:
Verbally abuse the athlete was being verbally abused by a drunk fan in the crowd., the crowd starte…
nounThe use of something in a way that is harmful or morally wrong
Примеры использования:
Abuse of power the investigation revealed abuses of power committed by the governor's office., alco…
nounCruel, violent, or unfair treatment of someone
Примеры использования:
Child abuse she claimed to have been a victim of child abuse., physical abuse she endured physical …
nounRude and offensive words said to another person
Примеры использования:
Verbal abuse he had apparently experienced a lot of verbal abuse from his co-workers., torrent of a…
Abuse – перевод с Английского на другие языки
Abuse: перевод на Китайский язык
Abuse: перевод на Нидерландский язык
Abuse: перевод на Французский язык
Abuse: перевод на Немецкий язык
Abuse: перевод на Индийский язык
Abuse: перевод на Итальянский язык
Abuse: перевод на Корейский язык
Abuse: перевод на Испанский язык
Происхождение Английского слова Abuse
late Middle English: via Old French from Latin abus- ‘misused’, from the verb abuti, from ab- ‘away’ (i.e. ‘wrongly’) + uti ‘to use’.
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Abuse синонимы
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