Английский словарь Вордер
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Light - перевод на Русский и значение в Английском


На данной странице собраны все значения и формы слова light в Английском языке.

Узнайте как переводится Английское слово light на Русский язык, какие имеет синонимы и транскрипцию.

Перевод Light на Русский язык

ЛегкийСветСветовойЗажигатьСветлыйОсвещениеНезначительныйОгоньЛегкоСлабыйИсточник светаОсвещенностьСветилоОблегченныйНалегкеСветофорСветитьПросветЗагоратьсяОсвещатьДневной светЛегковесныйПламяВоздушныйБледныйЛегкомысленныйЧуткийОзарениеПросветлениеВеселыйНетяжелыйЗажигатьсяПустойНекрепкийОкноВидимостьРыхлыйИллюминацияНеплотныйРастопитьСходитьСадитьсяПадатьНесерьезныйНеобременительныйНеожиданно обрушитьсяАспектБыстрыйПодвижныйХорошо поднявшийсяРаспущенныйНетрудныйЧувствующий головокружениеНеударныйЗапалитьРастапливатьНеожиданно натолкнутьсяСлучайно напастьОпускатьсяУмственные способностиИнтерпретацияИнформацияЗнаменитостьПостановка вопросаЗажженная свеча, лампа и т.п.Сведения

Light – что значит в Английском языке


The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

Примеры использования:

The light of the sun



An expression in someone's eyes indicating a particular emotion or mood.

Примеры использования:

A shrewd light entered his eyes

Understanding of a problem or mystery; enlightenment.

Примеры использования:

She saw light dawn on the woman's face


AspectAngleSlantApproachInterpretationViewpointStandpointContextPoint of viewVantage pointAppearanceGuiseHueComplexionUnderstandingEnlightenmentIlluminationComprehensionInsi

An area of something that is brighter or paler than its surroundings.

Примеры использования:

Sunshine will brighten the natural lights in your hair

A device used to produce a flame or spark.

Примеры использования:

He asked me for a light


Match(cigarette) lighterFlameSparkSource of fire

A window or opening to let light in.

Примеры использования:

The bedroom has a wide bay with leaded lights

A person eminent in a particular sphere of activity.

Примеры использования:

Volunteers have been the shining lights of the community


ExpertAuthorityMasterLeaderGuruLeading lightGuiding lightLuminaryCelebrityDignitaryPublic figureWorthyVipBig nameStarBigwigBig gunBig shotBig noiseCeleb

(in a crossword puzzle) a blank space to be filled by a letter.


Provide with light or lighting; illuminate.

Примеры использования:

The room was lit by a number of small lamps

Make (something) start burning; ignite.

Примеры использования:

Allen gathered sticks and lit a fire


Set alightSet light toSet burningSet on fireSet fire toPut/set a match toIgniteKindleBurnSpark (off)FireTouch offStartTorchEnkindle

Having a considerable or sufficient amount of natural light; not dark.

Примеры использования:

The bedrooms are light and airy


BrightFull of lightWell litWell lightedWell illuminatedSunnySunshinyUndimmedBrilliant

(of a colour) pale.

Примеры использования:

Her eyes were light blue



Of little weight; not heavy.

Примеры использования:

They are very light and portable


Easy to liftNot heavyWeighing very littleLightweightEasy to carryPortableTransportableWeightlessInsubstantialAiry

Not strongly or heavily built or made.

Примеры использования:

Light, impractical clothes



Relatively low in density, amount, or intensity.

Примеры использования:

Passenger traffic was light

(of food or a meal) small in quantity and easy to digest.

Примеры использования:

A light supper


SmallModestScantySimpleSkimpyFrugalNot heavyNot richNot largeEasily digestedDigestible

Gentle or delicate.

Примеры использования:

She planted a light kiss on his cheek



(of entertainment) requiring little mental effort; not profound or serious.

Примеры использования:

Pop is thought of as light entertainment


EntertainingLightweightDivertingRecreativeUndemandingEasily understoodMiddle-of-the-roadAmusingHumorousFunnyChucklesomeWittyLight-heartedFrivolousUnseriousSuperficialTrivialT

(of a woman) having many casual sexual encounters or relationships.

Примеры использования:

Jude found the room full of soldiers and light women.

Come upon or discover by chance.

Примеры использования:

He lit on a possible solution


Come acrossChance onHit onHappen onStumble on/acrossBlunder onFindDiscoverUncoverArrive atEncounterThink ofCome up with


Примеры использования:

From the horse he lit down

The energy from the sun or fire and from electrical devices that allows you to see clearly

Примеры использования:

[ u ] light was streaming through the windows., [ u ] the light was so bright that it hurt my eyes.…

Not great in size, strength, or amount

Примеры использования:

Air traffic was very light at heathrow so we were not delayed., we had a light meal before we began…

The brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices, and that allows things to be seen

Примеры использования:

A bright light, fluorescent/ultraviolet light, a beam/ray of light, light was streaming in through …

A piece of equipment that produces light, such as a lamp or a bulb

Примеры использования:

Turn a light on could you turn the light on, please?, turn off a light remember to turn off the lig…

Traffic lights (= a set of red, yellow, and green lights that control the movement of vehicles, usually at a point where two or more roads join)

Примеры использования:

At the lights she stopped at the lights and saw him on the other side of the road.

Something that will produce a flame and cause burning, such as a match or a cigarette lighter

Примеры использования:

Have you got a light, please?

To cause something to start burning

Примеры использования:

The lamp caught fire and set light to the curtains.

Animal lungs eaten as food

Примеры использования:

The french like to poach lights before frying them with onions, tomatoes, and a wine sauce.

Not weighing a lot

Примеры использования:

Here, take this bag - it's quite light., he's a few pounds lighter than he used to be., how do you …

Light clothes are made of thin material that allows you to be cool

Примеры использования:

A light summer dress

Lit by the natural light of the day

Примеры использования:

The big windows make the room feel wonderfully light and airy., it gets light very early these summ…

(of colours) pale

Примеры использования:

Light blue/green

Entertaining and easily understood, but not serious and not intended to make you think

Примеры использования:

Light reading i want some light reading for the summer holidays - a romance or something., light re…

To behave as if a situation, especially a problem, is not serious or important

Примеры использования:

It is easy to make light of other people's problems.

Not great in strength or amount

Примеры использования:

A light wind was blowing., the traffic was quite light so we got through london quickly., it's only…

Someone who eats/drinks/smokes only a little

Примеры использования:

The recipe will feed eight light eaters or six hungry people.

Someone who is easily woken up by noise, etc.

Примеры использования:

I'm a very light sleeper.

A light meal is small and easy to digest

Примеры использования:

I don't eat much for lunch - just a light snack.

Used to describe alcoholic drinks that are not strong in flavour

Примеры использования:

It's described on the label as "light, fruity wine".

Needing only a very small amount of effort

Примеры использования:

Light exercise, such as walking, a little light housework

A light sentence in prison is a short one

Примеры использования:

He got off with a fairly light sentence because it was his first conviction.

To do something quickly and easily

Примеры использования:

Heather made light work of painting the walls.

To start to burn or to make something start to burn

Примеры использования:

To light a fire, i can't get the cooker to light., he lit his fifth cigarette in half an hour.

To produce light that makes an object or area bright or easy to see

Примеры использования:

The stage had been lit with candles., light up fireworks lit up the sky (= made the sky bright).

Light – перевод с Английского на другие языки

Light: перевод на Китайский язык


Light: перевод на Нидерландский язык

LichtLichtenVerlichtenVerlichtVerlichtingLampDaglichtBelichtingHelderLuchtigStralenLevenslichtVuurtjeAanstekenGemakkelijkSchijnenBlondRaamLichtzinnigAangaanOpstekenVensterBijlichtenNiet zwaarLuciferSchitterenVonkRuitAanmakenTactvolSierlijkVoorlichtenKlaarGezichtsvermogenAanbelangenVuur vattenDoen ontbrandenKennisVerstand

Light: перевод на Французский язык

LumièreÉclairerLégerÉclairageClairFeuLampeLueurPhareFacileDévoilerFenêtreMettre en lumièreGaiBrûlerSe leverInsolerPiètreMettre en feuÉcervelé

Light: перевод на Немецкий язык

HellLichtBeleuchtenLeichtLeuchteBeleuchtungLampeScheinSchwachFeuerLockerZündenLuftigAnzündenLeiseEntzündenMildUnbeschwertBlondAnmachenGlimpflichAnbrennenAnfeuernFeuernAnheizenSich niederlassenAnstreichen

Light: перевод на Индийский язык

रोशनीप्रकाशदीपकबत्तीचमकआलोकहलकाचिरागज्योतिर्मयसरलजलानाहलके सेप्रकाश देनालपटचमकीलासहज मेंओजउद्योतज्ञानोदयज्ञानसुपाच्यसहनीयपथ्यसंदसहज में पचन योग्यप्रकाशित करनाप्रकाश डालनाजलनाप्रकाशित होनाचमकनाबिना विचार केबिना सोचे विचारेधीरे सेमामूली सी मात्रा मेंदीप

Light: перевод на Итальянский язык


Light: перевод на Корейский язык

가벼운밝은연한가볍게경쾌한광명발광체밝은 부분경미한불꽃각광작은천박한명백빛나다경솔한어지러운빛나게 하다붙이다지성천광지피다시력창구채광 창구채광권정신적 능력보는 각도소화 잘되는우아한즐거운 듯한내리다발화를 돕는 불꽃지도적인 인물무대의 각광색깔이 연한용이한작업 따위 용이한엄하지 않은처벌 따위가 엄하지 않은딱딱하지 않은화폐 따위 법정 중량에 부족한분동 따위 법정 중량에 부족한법정 중량에 부족한비중 따위가 작은밀도 따위가 작은알코올 성분이 적은술 따위 알코올 성분이 적은정도가 경미한경묘한머리가 어지러운강세가 없는...에 불을 붙이다불을 지피다...에 등불을 켜다얼굴을 빛나게 하다등불을 밝혀 길을 안내하다불이 붙다밝아지다얼굴이 빛나다눈이 빛나다담배불을 붙이다뜻밖에 마주치다

Light: перевод на Испанский язык

LuzDe luzIluminarClaroLigeroEncenderseAlumbrarLámparaLivianoLeveCon luzSemáforoLigeramenteFaroIluminadoPálidoLumbreFuegoBlancoFácilAlegreIluminarseRubioCristalAlumbrarseVacíoVidrioDensoAmenoToque de luzLastreEstufaEternidadLuces de tráficoTropezarPasiónArranqueEntrada de favorCarnetDesfiladeroCreenciaCosa para cada díaSin cargaEmbestirRegalar aProferirHacer constarHombreConocimientoEntusiasmoPermisoFaseAprobadoPuertoFeReligiónCosa útilNo gruesoPonerComenzarIniciarEmprenderPrestarSacrificarOfrecerOrganizarHacerPagarDedicarCitarRepresentar algoNo graveNo mucho

Происхождение Английского слова Light

Old English līhtan (in light3 (sense 2); also ‘lessen the weight of’), from light2; compare with alight1.

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Light синонимы