Вордер - словарь Английского языка
Вордер Словарь

Как переводится воспитание на Английский язык

Перевод слова Accomplishment на Русский язык:

Значения слова Accomplishment в Английском языке:


Something that has been achieved successfully.

Примеры использования:

The reduction of inflation was a remarkable accomplishment

Перевод слова Breeding на Русский язык:

Значения слова Breeding в Английском языке:


The mating and production of offspring by animals.

Примеры использования:

The flooding of the rivers is a trigger for breeding to start

(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.

Примеры использования:

Toads are said to return to the pond of their birth to breed

Перевод слова Training на Русский язык:

Значения слова Training в Английском языке:


The action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behaviour.

Примеры использования:

In-service training for staff

Teach (a person or animal) a particular skill or type of behaviour through practice and instruction over a period of time.

Примеры использования:

The scheme trains people for promotion



Перевод слова Education на Русский язык:

Значения слова Education в Английском языке:


The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

Примеры использования:

A course of education

Перевод слова Educations на Русский язык:

Значения слова Educations в Английском языке:


The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

Примеры использования:

A course of education



Перевод слова Nurture на Русский язык:

Значения слова Nurture в Английском языке:


Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.

Примеры использования:

Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family

The action or process of nurturing someone or something.

Примеры использования:

The nurture of children

Перевод слова Nurtures на Русский язык:

Значения слова Nurtures в Английском языке:


Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.

Примеры использования:

Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family

The action or process of nurturing someone or something.

Примеры использования:

The nurture of children



Перевод слова Educing на Русский язык:

Значения слова Educing в Английском языке:


Bring out or develop (something latent or potential).

Примеры использования:

Out of love obedience is to be educed



Перевод слова Fostering на Русский язык:

Значения слова Fostering в Английском языке:


Encourage the development of (something, especially something desirable).

Примеры использования:

The teacher's task is to foster learning



Перевод слова Nurturing на Русский язык:

Значения слова Nurturing в Английском языке:


Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.

Примеры использования:

Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family

The action or process of nurturing someone or something.

Примеры использования:

The nurture of children



Перевод слова Rearing на Русский язык:

Значения слова Rearing в Английском языке:


Bring up and care for (a child) until they are fully grown.

Примеры использования:

Nigel was born and reared in bath

The back part of something, especially a building or vehicle.

Примеры использования:

The kitchen door at the rear of the house

At the back.

Примеры использования:

The car's rear window

Перевод слова Upbringing на Русский язык:

Значения слова Upbringing в Английском языке:


The treatment and instruction received by a child from its parents throughout its childhood.

Примеры использования:

She had had a christian upbringing

Перевод слова Bringing-up на Русский язык:

Значения слова Bringing-up в Английском языке:

phrasal verb

To care for a child until it is an adult

Примеры использования:

An aunt brought him up., he was brought up on jazz (= experienced it a lot as a child)., i hate to …

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