Вордер - словарь Английского языка
Вордер Словарь

Как переводится мазок на Английский язык

Перевод слова Touch на Русский язык:

Значения слова Touch в Английском языке:


Come into or be in contact with.

Примеры использования:

He leaned back so that only two legs of his chair touched the floor

An act of touching someone or something.

Примеры использования:

Her touch on his shoulder was hesitant



Перевод слова Dash на Русский язык:

Значения слова Dash в Английском языке:


Run or travel somewhere in a great hurry.

Примеры использования:

I dashed into the garden

Used to express mild annoyance.

Примеры использования:

Dash it all, i am in charge

An act of running somewhere suddenly and hastily.

Примеры использования:

She made a dash for the door

Перевод слова Dashes на Русский язык:

Значения слова Dashes в Английском языке:


Run or travel somewhere in a great hurry.

Примеры использования:

I dashed into the garden

An act of running somewhere suddenly and hastily.

Примеры использования:

She made a dash for the door

Used to express mild annoyance.

Примеры использования:

dash it all, i am in charge



Перевод слова Stroke на Русский язык:

Значения слова Stroke в Английском языке:


An act of hitting or striking someone or something; a blow.

Примеры использования:

He received three strokes of the cane

Move one's hand with gentle pressure over (a surface), typically repeatedly; caress.

Примеры использования:

He put his hand on her hair and stroked it



Перевод слова Daub на Русский язык:

Значения слова Daub в Английском языке:


Carelessly coat or smear (a surface) with a thick or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

The walls were daubed with splashes of paint

A patch or smear of a thick or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

A daub of paint



Перевод слова Daubs на Русский язык:

Значения слова Daubs в Английском языке:


Carelessly coat or smear (a surface) with a thick or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

The walls were daubed with splashes of paint

A patch or smear of a thick or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

A daub of paint

Перевод слова Swobs на Русский язык:

Значения слова Swobs в Английском языке:


An absorbent pad or piece of material, often on a stick or rod, used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds and skin, applying medication, or taking specimens.

Примеры использования:

During the exam, your doctor may apply a cotton-tipped swab to the area to see if it is painful.

An absorbent pad or piece of material used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds, applying medication, or taking specimens.

Перевод слова Swab на Русский язык:

Значения слова Swab в Английском языке:


An absorbent pad or piece of material, often on a stick or rod, used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds and skin, applying medication, or taking specimens.

Примеры использования:

During the exam, your doctor may apply a cotton-tipped swab to the area to see if it is painful.

An absorbent pad or piece of material used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds, applying medication, or taking specimens.

Перевод слова Smear на Русский язык:

Значения слова Smear в Английском языке:


Coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

His face was smeared with dirt

A mark or streak of a greasy or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

There was an oil smear on his jacket

Перевод слова Smears на Русский язык:

Значения слова Smears в Английском языке:


Coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

His face was smeared with dirt

A mark or streak of a greasy or sticky substance.

Примеры использования:

There was an oil smear on his jacket

Перевод слова Brushwork на Русский язык:

Значения слова Brushwork в Английском языке:


The way in which a painter uses their brush, as evident in their paintings.

Примеры использования:

Canvases characterized by lively, flowing brushwork

Перевод слова Dab на Русский язык:

Значения слова Dab в Английском языке:


Press against (something) lightly several times with a piece of absorbent material in order to clean or dry it or to apply a substance.

Примеры использования:

He dabbed his mouth with his napkin

A small amount of something.

Примеры использования:

She licked a dab of chocolate from her finger

Digital audio broadcasting.

Перевод слова Swabbed на Русский язык:

Значения слова Swabbed в Английском языке:


Clean (a wound or surface) with a swab.

Примеры использования:

The crew were swabbing down the decks

An absorbent pad or piece of material, often on a stick or rod, used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds and skin, applying medication, or taking specimens.

Примеры использования:

During the exam, your doctor may apply a cotton-tipped swab to the area to see if it is painful.

Past simple and past participle of swab



Перевод слова Swabbie на Русский язык:

Значения слова Swabbie в Английском языке:


A member of the navy, typically one who is of low rank.

Примеры использования:

He made an immediate impact: besides teaching self-defense to his fellow swabbies, his likeness was…

Перевод слова Swob на Русский язык:

Значения слова Swob в Английском языке:


An absorbent pad or piece of material, often on a stick or rod, used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds and skin, applying medication, or taking specimens.

Примеры использования:

During the exam, your doctor may apply a cotton-tipped swab to the area to see if it is painful.

An absorbent pad or piece of material used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds, applying medication, or taking specimens.

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