Вордер - словарь Английского языка
Вордер Словарь

Как переводится раздел на Английский язык



Перевод слова Charter на Русский язык:

Значения слова Charter в Английском языке:


A written grant by the sovereign or legislative power of a country, by which a body such as a city, company, or university is founded or its rights and privileges defined.

Примеры использования:

The town received a charter from the emperor

Grant a charter to (a city, company, university, or other body).

Примеры использования:

The company was chartered in 1864



Перевод слова Charters на Русский язык:

Значения слова Charters в Английском языке:


A written grant by the sovereign or legislative power of a country, by which a body such as a city, company, or university is founded or its rights and privileges defined.

Примеры использования:

The town received a charter from the emperor

Grant a charter to (a city, company, university, or other body).

Примеры использования:

The company was chartered in 1864

Перевод слова Divide на Русский язык:

Значения слова Divide в Английском языке:


Separate or be separated into parts.

Примеры использования:

Consumer magazines can be divided into a number of categories

A difference or disagreement between two groups, typically producing tension.

Примеры использования:

There was still a profound cultural divide between the parties



Перевод слова Divides на Русский язык:

Значения слова Divides в Английском языке:


Separate or be separated into parts.

Примеры использования:

Consumer magazines can be divided into a number of categories

A difference or disagreement between two groups, typically producing tension.

Примеры использования:

There was still a profound cultural divide between the parties



Перевод слова Division на Русский язык:

Значения слова Division в Английском языке:


The action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.

Примеры использования:

The division of the land into small fields



Перевод слова Parceling на Русский язык:

Значения слова Parceling в Английском языке:


Make (something) into a parcel by wrapping it.

Примеры использования:

He parcelled up the goods and sent them back

An object or collection of objects wrapped in paper in order to be carried or sent by post.

Примеры использования:

The lorry was carrying a large number of royal mail parcels
phrasal verb

To divide something and give it in parts to different people

Примеры использования:

More than $13,000 in awards will be parceled out, with $6000 going to the first-prize winner.

Перевод слова Parcelling на Русский язык:

Значения слова Parcelling в Английском языке:


Make (something) into a parcel by wrapping it.

Примеры использования:

He parcelled up the goods and sent them back

An object or collection of objects wrapped in paper in order to be carried or sent by post.

Примеры использования:

The lorry was carrying a large number of royal mail parcels



Перевод слова Partitions на Русский язык:

Значения слова Partitions в Английском языке:


(especially with reference to a country with separate areas of government) the action or state of dividing or being divided into parts.

Примеры использования:

The country's partition into separate states

Divide into parts.

Примеры использования:

An agreement was reached to partition the country



Перевод слова Partition на Русский язык:

Значения слова Partition в Английском языке:


(especially with reference to a country with separate areas of government) the action or state of dividing or being divided into parts.

Примеры использования:

The country's partition into separate states

Divide into parts.

Примеры использования:

An agreement was reached to partition the country



Перевод слова Section на Русский язык:

Значения слова Section в Английском языке:


Any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up.

Примеры использования:

I unscrewed every section of copper pipe, from the roof tank to the hot-water cylinder

Divide into sections.

Примеры использования:

She began to section the grapefruit

Перевод слова Divvying-up на Русский язык:

Значения слова Divvying-up в Английском языке:


A dividend (= part of the profit of a company that is paid to the shareholders)

Примеры использования:

The co-operative movement began operating its dividend or 'divvy' scheme 150 years ago., the boss d…

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