Вордер - словарь Английского языка
Вордер Словарь

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Перевод слова Lay-out на Русский язык:

Значения слова Lay-out в Английском языке:


Lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line

phrasal verb

Spread something out to its full extent, especially so that it can be seen.

Примеры использования:

The police were insisting that suitcases should be opened and their contents laid out

Перевод слова To lay out на Русский язык:

Значения слова To lay out в Английском языке:

phrasal verb

To arrange in a pattern or design; to plan something by showing how its parts fit together

Примеры использования:

The designer laid out the book with pictures on every page., he has laid out $40,000 to fund little…

Перевод слова Laid-out на Русский язык:

Значения слова Laid-out в Английском языке:

phrasal verb

To arrange in a pattern or design; to plan something by showing how its parts fit together

Примеры использования:

The designer laid out the book with pictures on every page., he has laid out $40,000 to fund little…

Перевод слова Laying-out на Русский язык:

Значения слова Laying-out в Английском языке:

phrasal verb

To arrange in a pattern or design; to plan something by showing how its parts fit together

Примеры использования:

The designer laid out the book with pictures on every page., he has laid out $40,000 to fund little…

Перевод слова Knock-out на Русский язык:

Значения слова Knock-out в Английском языке:



phrasal verb

Make a person unconscious, typically with a blow to the head.

Примеры использования:

My head hit the bottom and i was knocked out for a good five minutes

(of an argument or physical fight) lasting a long time and energetically fought

Примеры использования:

We had knock-down drag-out fights, but when i really needed him on the big issues, he was helpful.

Перевод слова Strike down на Русский язык:

Значения слова Strike down в Английском языке:

phrasal verb

Cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow


→  sit-down

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