Вордер - словарь Английского языка
Вордер Словарь

Как переводится 复 на Английский язык

Перевод слова Turn-over на Русский язык:

Значения слова Turn-over в Английском языке:


Cause to overturn from an upright or normal position

phrasal verb

Change the position of one's body when lying down so that one is facing in the opposite direction.

Примеры использования:

Tess turned over and smiled as she met his eyes

Перевод слова Again на Русский язык:

Значения слова Again в Английском языке:


Another time; once more.

Примеры использования:

It was great to meet old friends again


Перевод слова A-gain на Русский язык:

Значения слова A-gain в Английском языке:


To become aware of or understand a situation

Примеры использования:

He realized the store would be closing in a few minutes., [ + (that) clause ] suddenly i realized (…

Перевод слова Answer на Русский язык:

Значения слова Answer в Английском языке:


A thing that is said, written, or done as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation.

Примеры использования:

He knocked and entered without waiting for an answer

Say or write something as a reaction to someone or something.

Примеры использования:

‘of course i can,’ she answered



Перевод слова Resume на Русский язык:

Значения слова Resume в Английском языке:


Begin again or continue after a pause or interruption.

Примеры использования:

A day later normal service was resumed

A summary.

Примеры использования:

I gave him a quick résumé of events



Перевод слова Resumed на Русский язык:

Значения слова Resumed в Английском языке:


Begin again or continue after a pause or interruption.

Примеры использования:

A day later normal service was resumed

A summary.

Примеры использования:

I gave him a quick résumé of events



Перевод слова Compound на Русский язык:

Значения слова Compound в Английском языке:


A thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture.

Примеры использования:

The air smelled like a compound of diesel and petrol fumes

Made up or consisting of several parts or elements.

Примеры использования:

A compound noun

Make up (a composite whole); constitute.

Примеры использования:

A dialect compounded of spanish and dutch



Перевод слова Recover на Русский язык:

Значения слова Recover в Английском языке:


Return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.

Примеры использования:

Neil is still recovering from shock

A defined position of a firearm forming part of a military drill.

Примеры использования:

Bring the firelock to the recover

Перевод слова Recovers на Русский язык:

Значения слова Recovers в Английском языке:


Return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.

Примеры использования:

Neil is still recovering from shock

A defined position of a firearm forming part of a military drill.

Примеры использования:

Bring the firelock to the recover

Перевод слова Double на Русский язык:

Значения слова Double в Английском языке:


Consisting of two equal, identical, or similar parts or things.

Примеры использования:

Double doors

Twice as much or as many.

Примеры использования:

The jail now houses almost double the number of prisoners it was designed for

At or to twice the amount or extent.

Примеры использования:

You have to be careful, and this counts double for older people

A thing which is twice as large as usual or is made up of two standard units or things.

Примеры использования:

Join the two sleeping bags together to make a double

A number or amount which is twice as large as a contrasting or usual number or amount.

Примеры использования:

He paid double and had a room all to himself

Become twice as much or as many.

Примеры использования:

Profits doubled in one year

Перевод слова Repeat на Русский язык:

Значения слова Repeat в Английском языке:


Say again something one has already said.

Примеры использования:

‘are you hurt?’ he repeated

Something that occurs or is done again.

Примеры использования:

The final will be a repeat of last year



Перевод слова Duplicate на Русский язык:

Значения слова Duplicate в Английском языке:


Exactly like something else, especially through having been copied.

Примеры использования:

A duplicate set of keys

One of two or more identical things.

Примеры использования:

Books may be disposed of if they are duplicates

Short for duplicate bridge.

Перевод слова Duplicates на Русский язык:

Значения слова Duplicates в Английском языке:


One of two or more identical things.

Примеры использования:

Books may be disposed of if they are duplicates

Short for duplicate bridge.


Exactly like something else, especially through having been copied.

Примеры использования:

A duplicate set of keys

Перевод слова Complex на Русский язык:

Значения слова Complex в Английском языке:


Consisting of many different and connected parts.

Примеры использования:

A complex network of water channels

A group or system of different things that are linked in a close or complicated way; a network.

Примеры использования:

A complex of mountain roads

Make (an atom or compound) form a complex with another.

Примеры использования:

The dna was complexed with the nuclear extract

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